Friday, October 16, 2009


私のコンピュータはALIVEです!(Watashi no konpyuuta wa alive desu)!!The mac lives! Thanks to the apple extended protection plan (thank you Daddy!), I was given, get this, a brand new hard drive FO FREE. Yes, these words are true, this is not some fabrication of a down-on-her-luck college student. I did not pay a cent, AND, the young man who helped me both days at the Apple Store was quite attractive. Never does hurt if the hired help has a pretty face!

^This is my "rejoicing-in-the-computer-lab-because-my-computer-lives" face. I like the vistory fist, personally. :)

I got to explore a little bit of Osaka while the computer got fixed on Tuesday and passed by a few infamous "love hotels" which have three different prices listed according to particular customer needs: rest, stay, and the extremely utilitarian "service time". Please see below.

Other lovely sites included the well-known Doutonbori street, where there are many (you guessed it) STORES, where you can blow all your お金 (okane, or money)<-- I'm learning kanji, can’t ya tell? There are lots of bright lights and beaucoup de gens, and to be honest the effect is rather overwhelming. Never thought I'd feel overstimulated, but that was the feeling I was walking with in Osaka.

On Sunday, after dropping said computer off at the Apple store (kind of like dropping off someone at camp... not really), I scooted up to Nara and joined some friends there who were shrine and temple-ing. While on holiday in Nara, I met Bambi, and his entire extended family. They say hello.
Nara is famous for its deer population and for this reason, in addition to its shrines, temples and lovely location, it has become a tourist destination for Japanese and foreigners alike.
Maybe we could get people to pay money to come check out all our friends in the dingle. I knew there was an undiscovered market economy in Longmeadow!

Margaux Frank, blogging live from Hirakata, out!


  1. Again, my face hurts from laughing, chortling and rejoicing in your victory over/with/in spite of/the computer. Blessed be the Daddy of the People and the extended warranty. ( could be a catchy song title . . .)

    Getting ready to go to UMass to hear all the bands and orchestras and choral grps, with - wait for it -THE FREYMANS!!! and (you'll die) Korean Restaurant fo dinna.. Talk about your bright lights and overstimulation. Love seeing you, hearing your joy and missing you, all at the same time. XOXO

  2. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHA yoiur face and then the japanese exclamation as a caption are priceless. i am in the libs "Studying" and i guffawed aloud. apparently mom was amused too, sneaky devil(!) got to comment before i did ... your blog is hilar, i hope the apple guy reads your comment about him. was he japanese? i hope so. please come back with a japanese baby at christmas, instead of a black one like last time.

    love you.

  3. hahahahaaaaaaaa the baby will most assuredly be asian this time- i just guffawed out loud in the lab. we are such scandalbugs. :D
    So glad you dudes are liking the blog- i have WAY too much fun writing them.
    Going to see whaddup with carrigraphy club.
