Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A problem that non-vertically-challenged visitors to Japan may encounter: the architecture of Japanese fitting rooms!!!

It has now been a week since my last post, roughly. Let's write!

Class is going well- I'm in the computer lab right now and have just finished my chapter 3 and 4 test. I think it went alright! I bought myself some fly new pencils at the hyakuen shop (100¥shop), and they write like butta. I think they gave me special powers. :) I'm headed for Osaka today and shall pay a visit to the Apple store, where the computadora is currently on vacation. The Apple store is located in a particular store, where the computadora is currently on vacation. The Apple store is located in a particularly ritzy area of Osaka called Shinsaibashi, so I'll be droppping a few thow on some heirloom jewelry as well... NAHT. I shall instead be thrift shop hunting and generally exploramacationing, as one must when one makes said voyage to yonder city.

This weekend I am Hiroshima-bound with a lovely bunch -- quite international at that. The poster children of Kansai Gaidai's Asian Studies program, if you will. Germany, Canada, Colombia, Italy, 'Merica, England, Scotland, Japan- represent-shimashou!

It promises to be a sobering and informative experience. To be honest, I don't truly know how I'm going to feel when I arrive. I've been told you can feel it in the air that something awful happened there.

Its starting to get a mite chilly here now, which gives me great reason to rejoice. I've been sporting the occasional pair of leggings and strut around campus in my beautiful purple gold-streaked scarf, courtesy of ma soeur (love you Tana) who never fails to dress me so that I look like a million bucks.

Though I have to say, there is something about the tee-shirts here that is quite profound.

The shirt reads: "Hope springs eternal in the human breast."

Now tell me, where in America would you ever find something so poetic, yet decidedly hip?

Many thanks to my model, Amanda Tobin.

今、おなかがすいた、だから ひろごはんお 食べます!またね! 
^Now, I am hungry so I will go eat lunch! Later!

Must be heading to the cafeteria now to brave the swarms of hungry Japanese students. A tout a leur!
Hope all is well at home and wherever you all find yourselves in the world. Lots of metta!



  1. shut up, i do not dress you so you rook rike a mirrion bucks....rather, i steal your clothing and attempt to do so myself ! a tout a leur.. LOVE IT. translation might be something like "to all, TO THEIRS!" but i like this new phrase...much better than the very hackneyed "a tout a l'heure," which means, "see you in a bit!" hahahah who am i kidding, making fun of margaux while french is like her 5th language and she's in the process of learning JAPANESE... love the blog. love the life. send me yoiur paper. i'll correct it, then my supagenious friend jenna might give it a once over. if you dont mind. she LIKES doing it (!)

    As a wise man once told me, Hope springs eternal in the human breast. ...When in Rome.

    ROVE YOU!!!
    more poesie (si tu veux) bientot!!

  2. Can't write right now. Still doubled over from gleeeful laughter and face melting smiles at your blog - and then Tana's comments. I just put a stamp on a real letter, and went to the blog for your address. Imagine my delight at a NEW post. Rich. Love your blogging - who knew that we could share the exporamacationing across the miles??????? You are soooooo funny! Love you sooooo much,

  3. hahahahha to all to THEIRS! I figured it was wrong but you know what, i LIKE making grammatical steaks in foreign languages! Yes, I just typed steaks instead of mistakes, adn I'm going to leave it in there! Tana, thanks for being the editor that I don't pay, but please don't give it to Jenna, I think I'll die of embarassment- I was on some odd chemical found in baby green tea when I wrote it. I'll send you the cleaned up version... maybe.
    Mama: cannot WAIT for the letter! I will write one soonski, promise! Love that I can make you all laugh- I agonize for hours over my blog jokes. you know. Don't tell anyone though, its a それはひみつですよ! That's a secret, I tell you!
    Hugs and kisses!

  4. MARGAUX (mar-gocks)
    I miss you like... WHOA. I love to read your blog, it's all in all much funnier and more concise than mine, which is a pretty solid representation of what you and I are like, ha ha. I am so glad you're having a fantastic time, I think about you up there in the land of noodles and raw fish often... wear some leggings for me. I don't think it'll be cold all semester in the land of the curries.
    I cannot WAIT to see you in January, I dream of us being reuinted. As a side note, I bought you basically the most amazing present on the planet. This isn't me being passive-aggressive telling you to get me something (I swear!), because Japan is about 1 million times more expensive than India, I just wanted to tell you because I'm so excited about giving it to you!!!!

  5. megan, you little love nugget, way to make me feel COMPLETELY OBLIGATED TO BUY YOU SOMETHING! Totally kidding- you are way too wonderful.
    You had better quit that silly comparing business, because it gets you NOWHERE! Your blog actually lets me be IN India, which is just simply not allowed, and fabulous. I cannot wait to see you in your sari- that alone will be present enough! exes and owes, baby- fa eva.
