Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Konnichi wa!

Ogenki desu ka?

All is well on my fifth (?) day here in Japan, meeting lots of really lovely people and seeing beautiful things! I have a speaking partner now which is tres exciting, and I have met a bunch of people who speak Spanish! Its crazy, really. I'm picking up words here and there and everyone is very encouraging and extremely helpful. I have my own entourage of cheerleaders! I pay them, but don't tell anyone, ok? Thanks.

The food is muy delicioso, though stuff be pricy here. I'm very aware of how much money I have and intend to spend. On our first full day here in Hirakata we went into the downtown area where they were having a local festival. It was pretty cool- several rock/punk bands played, including one called "Baby Smoker," not kidding, and this hilarious pantomine group. These guys are true scholars, I tell ya.

I have purchased a bicycle and she is exquisite. She is the color of sora (sky) and has a sweet basket, which I suki quite a lot. Suki, bee tee dubs, is like. :D I had a very pleasant experience walking to the bike store with one of my RAs. We tried out several bicycles and filled out paperwork- none of which I would have been able to do without Kaoru's help. The owner of the shop was curious as to whether I apply sunscreen daily and I said yes, asking Kaoru's help to translate the key word white. My aka-chan (baby) efforts were appreciated, and I got called "kawaii," which means cute. Great success.

I shall be posting pictures soon and apologize pour le delay, but have no fear, they shall appear!
For all you good folks who do not frequent the devil(!) better known as Facebook, here is my address. I would love to hear from you!

Margaux Isabella Frank
c/o Center for International Education
Kansai Gaidai University
16-1 Nakamiyahigashino-cho
Hirakata, Osaka
573-1001 Japan

Oyasuminasai (good night- because none of you should be awake over there right now),
Margaux <-- Pronounced the same as grandchildren in Japanese (Mago).


  1. LOVER! have you been reading my blog? because we have the same layout. :)

    i'm suscribing to this, so you better write some amazing stuff about japan. loving you and missing you.

  2. thanks for the address-- i shall write you long love lettas now. I'm glad to see all our jargon coming up in your blog postings, it makes me happy. love you akachan!

  3. Hi, Hi, Hi ( bet that's Japanese for something)

    Its your Mom and I love your blog. What a great way to stay in touch. Don't feel you need to write special notes, unless you want to - I am keeping up with all your adventures, I feel. A bike. Cool!
    Packing with Tana today - its weird.
    Love you toooooo much!

  4. Hi, Margaux! It's Janice Greenberg, just to say HAVE A WONDERFUL TIME and we are so happy for your adventures, will be staying tuned for updates. Enjoy. Big hugs from the other side of the big blue sphere. xoxox
